
Energy Performance Certificates for new-build homes

Nov 29, 2022
Energy Performance Certificates for new-build homes
With more and more people attracted by the idea of living in an energy-efficient home, homebuyers everywhere are turning their attention to new-build properties.

If you’re one of them, you’ll need to understand Energy Performance Certificates (EPC). So we’ve put together a quick guide to show you what they are and how they work.

What is an EPC?

You might be asking if there’s a specific new-build EPC. The simple answer is no.
Whether a homeowner has a very new or really old property that they wish to sell, they’re legally required to have an EPC. If you’re a prospective buyer you’ll want to see it, as it provides you with some very important information.

At its simplest, an EPC tells you how energy-efficient a property is. Rather like the stickers you see on kitchen appliances it gives a home a rating ranging from A (very efficient) to G (inefficient). This rating gives you an indication of how expensive it will be to heat and light the home, and what its carbon dioxide emissions are likely to be.

As an example, through the use of clever design, advanced systems, smart technologies and thermally-efficient insulation, most David Wilson homes have an EPC rating of A or B – a level shared by just 3.1% of existing homes 1. You can find out more here. But an EPC doesn’t just provide a rating. It also highlights improvements that could be made to achieve a better rating. This might be as extensive as installing cavity wall insulation or something simple like switching to more energy-efficient bulbs. Once an EPC has been issued, it’s valid for 10 years. If you’d like to learn more, take a look at the latest Energy Saving Trust guide.


What does an EPC look like and what's in it?

An EPC is four pages long and usually includes the following sections:

  • The estimated energy costs
  • The property’s energy-efficiency rating (current and potential)
  • Actions you can take to save money and make it more energy-efficient
  • A summary of the home’s energy performance related features, such as the roof, walls, windows, floor construction and more
  • Recommended energy saving measures – including those that might be eligible for Government support
  • Alternative measures
  • Assessor information
  • The home’s CO2 emissions rating
  • The home’s heat demand

If you’d like to see what one looks like in practice, you can find one on the GOV.UK website.


What are average EPC ratings?

As you’d expect, EPC ratings vary across the UK. The good news is that a report by the Office of National Statistics covering England and Wales reveals that the median energy efficiency score has improved over time 2. It also shows that:

  • The median energy efficiency rating is band D
  • Flats and maisonettes were the most energy-efficient property type with a median energy efficiency score equivalent to band C

Read the full ONS report


What kind of EPC ratings do new-build homes get?

If you want to live in an energy-efficient home, one of the biggest steps you can take to achieve that goal is to choose a new-build property.

The Government’s own figures state that 85% of brand-new homes built in England and Wales achieve the highest EPC ratings of A or B 3. However the same cannot be said for older properties. The ONS report mentioned earlier reveals that homes built in England and Wales before 1930 have a median energy-efficiency score of around 58. That’s equivalent to band E. And when you consider even older properties, the picture gets worse. A second ONS report states that only 12% of English homes built before 1900 can match the energy-efficiency performance of modern properties 4. So what does that all mean in real-world terms? Well, living in a home with an EPC rating of A or B can have a big impact on the amount of money you need to spend on energy.

That’s certainly true of a brand-new David Wilson home. In fact, it could be up to 58% cheaper to run and save you up to £2,600 per year on your energy bills 5.


Find your energy-efficient home today

If you’re attracted by the idea of energy-efficient living, a spacious and stylish David Wilson home with an impressive EPC rating could be just what you’re looking for.


  1. GOV.UK. This figure represents the level of energy-efficiency of existing housing stock only (homes built up to 2007 when EPCs were introduced).
  2. Energy efficiency of housing in England and Wales: 2022, Office of National Statistics.
  3. Latest figures show increase in new energy efficient homes. GOV.UK
  4. Age of the property is the biggest single factor in energy efficiency of homes, Office of National Statistics.
  5. HBF ‘Watt a Save’ report published Oct 2022