
Six mistakes new homeowners make on moving day

Nov 13, 2023
6 mistakes new homeowners make on moving day
Moving house can be mentally, physically, and emotionally tiring. Stacey Berkeley, Sales Director for Barratt and David Wilson Homes Sheffield, shares six mistakes new homeowners make that add to the moving day strain:

“There are no two ways about it: moving house can be stressful. But there are several clever tips and tricks that can make moving day as painless as possible. These are the six mistakes I’ve noticed new homeowners are making - and how to avoid them.”

Not making the bed  

The first thing you should do when you arrive at your new home is make your bed - even if your ‘bed’ is just a mattress on the floor at this stage! This way, at the end of a long, tiring day, your bed will be ready for you to crawl into. It will also help your new house to feel like home.

Forgetting about blinds and curtains  

Window treatments like curtains and blinds aren’t always our first thought with so much to consider when moving home. Often, this is something you only realise when you get ready for bed. To make the first night in your new home as comfortable as possible, think ahead so you’ve measured for your bedroom curtains or blinds and can have these installed on your moving day – or plan to have to a temporary window covering on hand. You can buy paper blinds that work well for a few nights. 

Losing the essentials 

Pack a box with everything you’ll need on moving day and mark is as essentials. This might include a charger cable for your phone, plus kitchen essential such as tea, coffee, milk, and a kettle. It’s also good to pack your nighttime essentials, especially if you have children, so have a bag with toothbrushes, PJs, soap and a hand towel. Without it, you'll find yourself frantically rooting through boxes trying to find something.

Getting caught short  

A fun fact I love is that in Korea, toilet paper is a common housewarming gift. Take inspiration from this and keep a roll of toilet paper on hand on moving day. Often, the previous owners won’t have left any and the last thing you want is to be caught short.

Not considering your pets in the move 

Once you arrive at the other end, it’s important that you make sure that your pets are as comfortable as possible. Unpack the bed and toys first and place a bowl of water out for them along with some familiar items that might make them feel at ease. After you’ve unpacked, it’s also a great idea to walk them around the garden on a lead, to make sure that they can’t escape through fences and boundaries, and that gates are secure enough.

Forgetting to eat  

Moving house is physically demanding and it’s important to fuel your body appropriately. Don’t get so caught-up in unpacking that you forget to eat. Take time to either pack some snacks for you and your family, or plan to treat yourself a takeaway. After all, it’s a good way to get to know your local neighbourhood.


All tips gathered from this Reddit forum