
Finding Your Ideal Home

Jul 26, 2017
Finding Your Ideal Home

So the time has come to start house hunting. And while you may start out all-guns-blazing, we know how quickly enthusiasm can wane. But don’t worry – if the search for your ideal home has been fruitless so far, here are some tips to get you back on track.

List your criteria

Before you do anything, take a step back and make a list of your ‘must-have’ and ‘nice-to-have’ property features. What does your new house need for it to make it ‘ideal’ for you?

Here are a few considerations:

  •         Do you need to be near great schools?
  •         How about sports and leisure facilities?
  •         Are you commuting for work, and do you need public transport?
  •         How much ‘growing’ space do you need for you and your family?
  •         Do you need a specific number of bedrooms?
  •         Is a garden important to you?

Bear in mind that not everything is a deal breaker, but if you’re looking for your ideal home, there are certain aspects you don’t want to compromise on. Be clear with your criteria from the word go, and refer to your list as often as possible.

Challenge your own comfort zone

We all have comfort zones, but it’s worth challenging your own ideas to make sure you don’t miss out on a property that’s perfect for you. Never rule out one type of home from the outset as you never know how much you might like that new build in your dream area if you had initially only considered older properties.

Always be open-minded when viewing different types of property and different locations as you may be surprised at what you find, and at the very least you can cross certain properties and neighbourhoods off your list.

The easiest way to find out and challenge your comfort zone is to simply go and take a look for yourself.

Take your time

While it’s true that the housing market is often very competitive, it’s always worth taking your time when making a decision. After all, a house will probably be the biggest purchase of your life so far, and it needs to be just right for you and your family. Before making a decision and putting an offer forward, sleep on it and discuss the pros and cons with a clear mind. Better still, ask the agent, seller or developer if you can film a walk-through of the house on your phone. Then, the next day, you’ll have a video point of reference when making your decision.

Look at a variety of property websites

There are lots of property websites worth considering when trying to find your ideal home. There may be some hidden gems on lesser-known house-buying platforms, so cast your net wide and think outside of the box. In addition to online searches, make sure you check with estate agents where the latest open-house viewings are being held (where homes are open to as many potential buyers as possible to look around). Also, visit new build show homes to get a better idea of what’s out on the market right now. There are also websites dedicated to new build home searches, which are worth checking out.

Do your due diligence

Your ‘ideal’ home can quickly fall flat if it’s built on a floodplain, for instance. So before you even consider putting in an offer, make sure you check the Government website for any risks, such as flooding, that could affect your new home in the future.